Space Science research is experiencing tremendous growth due to the advances in mathematical, computational and engineering techniques. In the “Mathematics in Space Science” session the mathematical aspects of some challenging questions of this very broad field will be discused, including Galactic Dynamics, Celestial Mechanics and Space Mission Design.


Bastien Le Bihan
Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, Toulouse
Semi-analytical Study of the Dynamics about and between the Libration Points of the Sun-Earth-Moon system
Thursday, 27 April, 10:30-11:15. Room Pere Coromines

James D. Biggs  
Politecnico di Milano
Motion Planning on Lie Groups with Applications to Spacecraft Attitude Guidance and Docking
Thursday, 27 April, 11:20-12:05. Room Pere Coromines

Esther Barrabés
Universitat de Girona
Dynamical generation of galactic bridges and tails using a parabolic restricted three-body problem
Thursday, 27 April, 12:10-12:55. Room Pere Coromines

Elisa Maria Alessi 
Italia National Research Council, Rome
Resonant dynamics in the LEO region
Friday, 28 April, 10:30-11:15. Room Pere Coromines

Mercè Romero
Universitat de Barcelona
The role of invariant manifolds in galactic dynamics
Friday, 28 April, 11:20-12:05. Room Pere Coromines

Camilla Colombo
Politecnico di Milano
Luni-solar perturbations for missions design in highly elliptical orbits
Friday, 28 April, 12:10-12:55. Room Pere Coromines


James D. Biggs
Politecnico de Milano

Gerard Gómez
Universitat de Barcelona

Josep J. Masdemont
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona


The Catalan Mathematical Society (SCM) invites participants to the second edition of the Barcelona Mathematical Days. This triennial Conference focusses on current research topics across several areas of Mathematics.

Plenary talks and thematic sessions have been selected by the Scientific Committee of the SCM. Special thanks are due to the organisers of the thematic sessions and to the local mathematical community for their support to this Conference.


Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques
Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Carrer del Carme, 47
08001 Barcelona

Phone: +34 933 248 583